Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Adults learning principles

*      Adults tend to experience a need to learn quickly, where the learning activities and content have immediate and pragmatic application within their life.
*      Adults learn best in environments which encourage the development of trusting relationships that provide freedom from threat and opportunities for self-direction.
*      Adults learn best when novel information is presented through a variety of sensory modes and experiences, with sufficient repetitions and variation on themes to allow distinctions in patterns to emerge.
*      Adults learn best through effective two-way communication emphasizing learner talking and self-reflecting, and instructor listening and reflecting.
*      Adults want their past experiences to be acknowledged, and they need to understand how present learning is connected with their accumulated knowledge and experience base.
*      Adults respond more positively to learning opportunities that are well organized and have clearly defined outcomes. They want to know where they are going in the learning process and how they will get there.
*      Adults learn more effectively through experiential techniques of education such as discussion or problem solving.
*      Aduls are a highly diversified group of individuals with widely differing preferences, needs, backgrounds and skills.

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