- How many centimeters of water pressure is equivalent to 1 mm of mercury pressure?
1.36 cm of water
- What does PRU stand for?
Peripheral resistance unit
- What is the resistance of the entire systemic circulation (total peripheral resistance)?
- What is the the total pulmonary vascular resistance value?
0.14 PRU
- Name the sound that is heard during a blood pressure determination .
Korotkoff sound
- What is the cause of Korotkoff sound?
Turbulence of blood flow
- what is pressure in the right atrium also called?
Central venous pressure
- What is the value of normal right atrial pressure in atrial diastole?
0 mm Hg
If valves were not to be present in the veins, gravitational pressure would have raised the venous pressure in the feet in a normal standing adult. What is the value to which this pressure would have been raised to?
+90 mm Hg
- What is the normal venous pressure in the feet of a walking adult?
+20 mm Hg
(Physiology; UMS 2008)
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