Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cardiovascular physiology VI

  1. Name the  syndrome in which there are short PR intervals with normal QRS complexes in tachycardia.
Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome

  1. What is the alternate name of bicuspid valve?
Mitral valve

  1. Where is the tricuspid valve located?
Junction of right atrium and right ventricle

  1. What is the normal duration of isovolumetric ventricular contraction?
0.05 s

  1. What is the pressure in the aorta during ventricular diastole in a normal adult?
80 mm Hg

  1. Why does the heart rate increase if a person is having fever?
Increase in temperature stimulates the SA node to increase the heart rate

  1. What is the normal end-diastolic ventricular volume?
120 – 130 mL
  1. What is the end-systolic ventricular volume?
50 – 70 mL

  1. What is the ejection fraction of a normal adult?
55 – 65%

  1. What happens to the heart rate when the sympathetic nerves to the heart are cut?
No change in HR (due to the resting of vagal tone)

 (Physiology; UMS 2008)

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