9.5 How do I correlate the basic science and
the clinical?

Speaking from personal
experience, I used to have so many books in front of me in the library while
trying to understand the pathology of an organ. Reading the anatomy and the
physiology of the organ such as the kidney, in order to understand the pathology
and why it causes renal failure in a patient that one sees in the ward is
extremely helpful.
I tried to find the explanation
of all the symptoms that the patient showed based on the pathology that
occurred at the cellular level. Having done this, it helped me to retain the
most essential facts about renal failure and has helped me along my medical
career. Of course it is painstaking but it is a worthwhile step to take.
You should see it as a long-term
investment with long-term benefits. If you take the short cut by remembering
the symptoms just for the sake of the medical examination only to forget it
later, this will affect your preparation for your final exam, where you will
find that you probably need to read the symptoms again. This, in turn will encroach
into the time allocated for reading a new subject.
You will waste your valuable time
as you are doing things twice because you did not do it well the first time.
This is what knowledge really is. It is finding out something for
oneself with pain, with joy, with exultancy, with labour and with all the the
little ticking, breathing moments of our lives, until it is ours as that only
is ours which is rooted in the structure of our lives.
Thomas Wolfe (
1900-1938 )
(How to become a good &
successful medical student; Muhaya Hj Mohamad)
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