14. Compassionate

A grandson walked in and complained that his 90 year old grandmother
was unable to see in both eyes and unable to recognize faces. The grandmother
had come from 400 km away. A compassionate doctor immediately saw the patient
without prior appointment and had the patient admitted and operated the next
day. The patient was discharged after two days and was very happy that she was
now able to lead a normal life again. Her facial expression also changed – from
a stressful to a cheerful one.
15. Perseverance
For centuries, it is know that
medicine us a field which is equivalent to running a marathon where you have to
preserve your stamina throughout the year of studying. Not forgetting the
possible hitches one may have in the exam. One has to persevere whatever the
consequences of the exam is.
Losing six months of one’s lifetime to repeat an exam can be a daunting task for all students. Looking at the positive aspect, actually one will have the opportunity to study more of the subject which will make him or her better. In medicine, no knowledge is a waste. It will always be useful in one’s future practice.
Hence, medical student need to
persevere to ensure that they get through the academic hurdle every year.
Without this, they will give up easily and later, ten years down the road, they
will regret not persevering just for that short moment, which results in them
losing the opportunity to be a doctor forever.
Failing an examination is not a failure but a delayed success.
16. Efficient
This means that whatever input
that is put in will result in a good output. This is obtained by studying smart
and not just studying hard.
17. High self esteem
Feeling inferior can be quite usual
for a student who is faced with many unfamiliar subjects delivered by lecturers
who are highly qualified academically including consultant clinicians. A high
self-esteem will influence how one talks, asks and answers questions. It will
influence the marks one obtains in the oral examination.

18. Dedicated
This will be obtained by having
clear visions and missions of one’s life. It is a sense of leaving something in
this world that will be useful to mankind once is no longer on this earth.
19. Commitment to life-long learning.
Continuous medical education is a
part a program in hospital setting. It emphasizes that all doctors should
continuously improve their skills. Hence, it is the attitude that needs to be
nurtured in all medical students.
(How to become a good &
successful medical student; Muhaya Hj Mohamad)
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