The use of these firecrackers in celebrations has been in existence for
over 2,000 years. In the early days where fire powder and paper had yet to be
invented, the Chinese burnt bamboo to crack it and this produced a loud sound
to scare away the god of plagues. Although superstitious, this ancient practice
allowed people to wish for a peaceful and joyous life.
During the Tang Dynasty, the firecracker was known as the explosion pole.
This is because a long bamboo was burnt in parts to cause a continuous
explosion. Various experiments were conducted by alchemists (ancient time
chemists) and they found that bamboos coukd become inflammable and could cause
an explosion through the mix of
saltpetre (Chemical compound), sulphur and charcoal.
These discoveries led to the creation of gun powder. Soon afterm people
began to place gun powder in the bamboo to burn it. This produced an even
louder sound and caused a significant change in the ancient tradition of bamboo
Later in the Northern Song Dynasty, the Chinese placed fire powder inti red
paper rolls to replace the bamboo and this then became the modern firecracker
which is now commonly used during Chinese festive seasons.
Food for Thought :
Continuous improvement of
previous innovations and inventions, results in more useful, efficient and more
marketable products and services.
Short Stories on Discoveries, Inventions, Innovation & Creativity
AAET and UTAR, 2015
ms 18-19
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