Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chapter 7 : Facing the exams ( 1 )

7.1 How can I pass all exams?

There is no short cut to passing an exam. Situations are different from secondary schools where you can do things perhaps at the last minute or just practice the multiple-choice questions. It is different in the university as the subjects are wide and you are expected to do some work on your own. You have to, adjust to the to the new environment and have a healthy attitude towards examinations.

Examination is a way of making sure that you have the grasp of the subjects. The only way to make most students study is to have exams. There are of course exceptional students who are consistent whether there is an exam or not. But for the rest of us there has to be the pressure of an exam to make us study.

If you conscientious and have a good rapport with your lecturers, you can ask them for the important checklist or the essentials that you need to know or can expand on. Ensure that you are in control of the subjects, meaning that you know the salient points.

Do not study at the last minute. Discuss the difficult topics with your colleagues in your discussion group.

It is crucial that you have a healthy attitude towards the exam. Whatever the outcome may be, you must regard the exam as a way of finding out how much you know about the subject and doing a gp analysis. Your grade is an indication of how well you have prepared for the exam. Below is a useful chart that you have to make immediately after the exam.

Learning from the exam : Analysis of incorrect answers

a) Type of question (T/F. MC, Short Answer, Essay, etc)
b) Location of answer ( Chapter, Page, Lecture Note, Date)
c) Reason for incorrect answer (Misread, Notes incomplete, Never read, etc)
                                    (AAC Study Tips, Ohio University)
(How to become a good & successful medical student; Muhaya Hj Mohamad)

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