Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chapter 4 : I sure love those lectures!! ( 2 )

4.2 What do I do when the subjecy is really boring and I do not understand the lectures?
Remember : no matter how boring the subject is, it is important for you future practice. Otherwise it will not be taught and given the credit hours. You must realise that you ought to have adequate essential knowledge in order to practice as a doctor later in your life. Adopt the attitude that the time you spend to study and work hard at understanding some facts will be considered as good deeds and blessed by God.

Keeping yourself interested in the subject will prevent you from getting bored. Try to see the subject as a leaf on trunk. Therefore you must try to identify the trunk in order to know the importance of the subject.

Even if the subject is boring, you still have to study and score. You can’t change the fact that the subject is offered and graded, but you change your attitude.

Ask yourself, what the impact would be on your career as a doctor should you not know about that subject. If possible, in a polite manner, try to ask the lecturer the significance of  the subject being taught.

Try to make a appointment to see the lecturer and ask on whatever that you do not understand. If you feel awkward going alone, bring a friend who has a similar problem in the subject. Do not feel shy to show your ignorance; a smart person is one who knows what he does not know.

Note : During tutorials:
* do not feel inferior to answer
* try to answer questions
* do not be afraid to ask
* there is NO stupid question

As a student you are not expected to know everything, and being exposed to a new subject, any person will need some help at understanding it. You must have a good mindset when studying. Bring your ego down; you gain nothing by being egoistic.

Do not live in your past glory when you were the best student in school. It is all right to show your ignorance and make mistakes while you are learning. This will prevent you from repeating the mistakes later.

It is important to have the attitude that you are responsible for your achievement and do not blame anybody or anything for any shortcomings.

To admit your ignorance ance is reveal your ignorance once. To hide your ignorance is to reveal your ignorance again and again.

Appendix 2 : Paying Attention in Class

If  you attend lectures and have difficulty paying attention to what is being said :

# Before lectures, look over the notes of the previous lecture and read the course material pertaining to the lecture.

# If you have questions about materials from the previous class or text, ask the lectures before the class about them.

# Resist distractions by sitting in front of the room and by focusing on the lecturer through listening and note taking.

# Show outward interest during lectures (attentive expression and posture) to self-motivate internal interest.

# Take good notes!

# When appropriate : ask a question, ask for more clarity, or engage the lecturer and the class in a dialogue.

# Schedule time to go over lecture material immediately after class. Remember : Forgetting is greatest within 24 hours without review.

# Schedule a weekly review for each course.

 (How to become a good & successful medical student; Muhaya Hj Mohamad)

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