Friday, March 18, 2016


Have you ever wished to be a bird and fly in the sky?

For centuries, many people have shared the same dream as you looking for ways to allow mankind to fly like a bird.
The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville were given a very special gift their father when they were young. Their toy helicopter, which was made of paper, bamboo and cork, had a special ability to twirl its motor by using a rubber band. The Wright brothers loved the toy so much that they even learnt to build a new toy helicopter on their own. It was this toy that developed the interest of the Wright brothers in creating the first manned flight.

With simple equipment and a minimal budget, the Wright brothers began their journey in creating the first manned flight using the gliding method. They spent weeks and months in experimenting different gliding methods but all proved to be unsuccessful, It was one day throuhg the observation of birds that shed light to the brothers on how the wing of a glider should be designed to provide with good balance and control.

Despite the numerous failures faced by the Wright brothers, they managed to fly their first manned plane named Flyer I on December 17,1903.

It was their determination that brought modern aviation to mankind.

Food for Thought :

Always have the right attitude in learning in order to develop a strong foundation in innovation. Word hard!

Short Stories on Discoveries, Inventions, Innovation & Creativity
AAET and UTAR, 2015
ms 1 – 2

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