Sunday, July 8, 2012

Nerve muscle V

  1. Name one deadly South American arrow-head poison that binds to nicotinic receptors

  1. Name the bacteria that produce the Botullinum toxin.
Cistridium botullinum

  1. What is a maintained contraction in response to repetitive stimuli also known as?
Tetanus / titanic contraction

  1. What is Cionus?
Unfused tetanus / rhythmic contraction and relaxation due to stretch reflex and inverse stretch reflex repetitively

  1. How can fused tetanus be produced from unfused tetanus?
By increasing the frequency of stimulation

  1. Name the enzyme that helps to produce ATP from creatine phosphate
Creatine kinase

  1. Name the acid that is produced in the muscle during fatigue.
Lactic acid

  1. Name the muscle fibres that contain myosin with high ATPase activity.
Fast type / Type II muscle fibres

  1. What makes a muscle fibre a red-muscle fibre?
Presence of myoglobin

  1. Name the process that increases the number of active motor units in a muscle.

( Physiology; UMS 2008 )

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