Friday, July 20, 2012

Cardiovascular physiology VIII

  1. What is the indicator used in the thermo-dilution method of indicator dilution technique for cardiac output?
Cold saline

  1. What is the normal stroke volume in an adult?
60-70 mL

  1. What is the normal cardiac index in an adult?
3.2 L

  1. Which is the primer pomp of heart?

  1. What are the permeable communicating junctions in the cardiac muscle called?
Intercalated discs

  1. How many syncytia are present in a heart?
Two ( one atrial and one ventricular )

  1. Name the two ion channels that are responsible for the cardiac action potential.
Fast Natrium ion and slow Calcium ion

  1. Which ion channel is responsible for the plateau phase of cardiac action potential?
Slow Calcium ion channel

  1. Which ion is decreased immediately after onset of action potential in cardiac muscle permeability?
Potassium ions

  1. What is the cause of a decreased Kalium ion permeability of cardiac muscle after an action potential?
Excess Calcium ion influx

(Physiology; UMS 2008)

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