Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cardiovascular physiology XIV

  1. What is the cause of respiratory waves in  arterial  pressure?
Spilling over of breathing signals from respiratory centre to vasomotor centre in the medulla

  1. What are Traube-Hering waves?
Respiratory waves

  1. What is the alternate name of vasomotor waves?
Mayer waves

  1. What is the name of the substrate on which rennin acts?

  1. Name the enzyme that converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II
Angiotensin coverting enzyme (ACE)

  1. Heart rate is inversely proportional to the blood pressure. What is the name of this law?
Marey’s Law

  1. Removal of one kidney and constriction of opposite renal artery leads to hypertension. What is it called?
‘One Kidney’ Goldblatt hypertension

  1. What is the cardiac output per square metre of body surface area called?
‘Cardiac index’

  1. If the right atrial pressure increases,what is its effect on the venous return?

  1. What is the effect of greater blood volume on mean circulatory filling pressure?

  1. When right atrial pressure equals to mean systemic filling pressure, what will be the venos return?

  1. What is the normal resting blood flow through skeletal muscle?
3 to 4 mL / min / 100 g muscle
  1. What are the minute coronary vessels that connect the calillaries to the heart chambers called?
The Thesbian veins

  1. What is the normal average coronary blood flow at rest in humans?
250 mL/min

  1. During which phase of cardiac cycle the coronary capillary blood flow in the left ventricular muscle is the least?
During ventricular systole

 (Physiology; UMS 2008)

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