Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gastrointestinal 1

1. What are the major glands that contribute to the formation of saliva?
Parotid, submadibular and the sunlingual

2. What is the effect of parasympathetic nerve stimulation on saliva production?
Increase in watery saliva production

3. What enzyme is responsible for the early digestion of starch?
α – amylase in the saliva

4. What is the effect of ‘ATROPINE’ on saliva secretion?
Inhibits production of saliva (causes dry mouth)

5. A what flow rate is the composition of saliva closest to that of the plasma?
At  high flow rate (4 mL/min)

6. What is produced by the chief cells of the stomach?

7. After a meal the bicarbonate level in the venous blood increases. What is this physiological condition called?
Postprandial Alkaline tide

8. What will excessive vomiting lead to?
Metabolic acidosis

9. What is the syndrome for a gastrin-secreting tumour of pancreas that causes increased H+ secretion?
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

10. What is the second stage of deglutition?
Pharyngeal phase

11. Name the hormone released from the duodenum / ileum that elicits gallbladder contraction.

12. Name a substance that is produced by the ileum which inhibits secretion of gastric acid.

13. What is the condition where lower oesophageal sphincter fails to relax during swallowing?
Achalasia cardia

14. What is the malabsorption of lipids, due to lack / decrease of pancreatic lipase?

15. What are the substances that increase biliary secretions from the liver?
Choleretics (Bile salts and bile acids)
16. What are substances that cause contraction of the gall bladder?

17. Absence of the enzyme lactase results in non-absorbed lactose and water to remain in the gastrointestinal (GIT) tract. What would this lead to?
Osmotic diarrhoea

18. Emotional factors (stress) strongly influence large intestine motility via extrinsic autonomic nervous system. What is this condition called?
Irritable-bowel syndrome

19. What is complete lack of HCl in the gastric juice called?

20. What does Calcium ion bind to in the excitation-contraction coupling of the smooth muscle?

21. What term is used to describe the rumbling sound made by the movement of gas in the intestine?
Borborygmi sound

 ( UMS, 2008 )

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