Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chapter 10 : Assets of a good Medical Student ( 6 )

Other important skills for medical students are :

a) Clinical skills

1. Clerking
Clerking of cases requires a good approach – refer to clerking scheme.

2. Presentation
This is an art that will be learned over the year. This is when ability to avoid presenting and this is not a clever move as they get no practice and in the end in the final year examinations they will face problems to express themselves leading to poor marks.

3. Documentation
Appears not important but crucial in many medical records which later becomes medicolegal documents.

4. Clinical skills and procedures
This is again obtained by practice and getting adequate supervision during the procedures. Hence a good relationship with the senior medical students and junior doctors will increase the chance getting opportunities to try new procedures.

5. Bedside manners
This is an often forgotten aspect by students but much assessed during clinical examinations. Having the attitude that one will only practice good bedside manners during the examination only is futile as it is very obvious if one is doing it as ‘showmanship’ in the exam.

6. Beside tests
These are simple tests such as urine test that will be required to be done during examination. It is important that it is practiced well.
7. Clinical reasoning – Problem Based Learning
This is an approach to stimulate critical thinking among medical students and is increasingly used by many medical schools.

b) Life skills

- ICT skills
- Social skills
- Stress management skills
- Personal management
- Time management
- Public Education Skills
- Ability to express medical facts in layman’s term
- Ability to do public health education
- Communication skill

c) Academic skills

- Listening skills
-Effective note-taking skill
- Summarising skill, compare and contrast
- Schema drawing (eg. i. Two minute approach to unilateral visual loss and ii. Approach to optic disc swelling).
- Examination skills
- Critical appraisal skills.

 (How to become a good & successful medical student; Muhaya Hj Mohamad)

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