Sunday, January 1, 2017


Zip,zap,zup, with a single pull, a zipper can keep so much in our live together.

Mr. Whitcomb Judson, a mechanic from Chicago, USA is the creator behind the worderful zipper.

Before 1891, people were required to lie shoe laces every day. Mr Judson found it troublessome to lie his own shoe laces daily. To solve this problem, he invented a zipper to replace the shoe lace. Later, he managed to obtain a copyright for his zipper in 1891.

Two year later, Mr Judson sent some samples of his creation to be placed on display at the Columbia Exhibition. His zipper achieved high recognition from the exhibition’s participants.

Today, there are a variety of zippers made available in the market. Their use is not only limited to daily necessities, but also used in the areas of science, medicine and military.

The Zipper is a small wonder that has brought a huge contribution to mankind. It is even known to be one of the top ten inventions of the 19th century.

Food for Thought :

Tiny in size, wide in usage. You will never know how your inventions will benefit mankind. Think big, start small!.

Short Stories on Discoveries, Inventions, Innovation & Creativity
AAET and UTAR, 2015
ms 57

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